A brand new menu served every day from midday onwards


Borscht soup (V)

Creamy cauliflower
soup (VG)

About Purèe
Purée… tasty soups, salads, smoothies, and bakery made with love and dedication.
Purée is mother Nonna and daughter Inga. In 2018 we decided to continue this health bar so that Rotermann wouldn’t go without a place to enjoy delicious home cooked food.
It all begins with our rich Armenian heritage where familial cooking skills are very much alive and celebrated. Mother Nonna’s dishes are the highlights of the day that draw in the rest of the family each night. Our birthdays and other events are known for generously laden dinner table where guests converge to relish all there is.
Yet when daughters grew up and left home, suddenly there was no one to offer these kitchen delights. That was a shame. So came the idea to open a small cosy cafe where guests could visit mother every day. And experience this delectable world in which me and my sister grew up in.
Why run a health bar? Because it’s an exciting business that encourages creativity. For mother, who is used to meaty Armenian cuisine, vegetarian cooking is a challenge that gets her inventive. Whole, healthy food need not to be bland and watery. Expert knowledge in using herbs and spices yields a flavourful result. Hence our keywords are honest, nutritious, healthy homemade food which, despite being mostly plant-based, is a filling meal even in our northerly latitude.
Welcome, come on in!
what people say about us